Ruben Otin - Software
ERMES-CPlas (ERMES-Cold Plasma) is an updated version of ERMES which includes the possibility of modelling electromagnetic fields on inhomogeneous magnetized cold plasmas.
Some existing features has been improved and new ones has been added (as an electrostatic module for the calculation of electric arcs).
This software is currently under development and it will be soon available to download on this webpage.
BraWiGG (Braided Wire Geometry Generator) is a Tcl/Tk plug-in integrated in GiD. BraWiGG creates automatically a braided wire shield geometry from the data provided in its user-friendly interface. This geometry is used by ERMES to compute the transfer impedanze of a cable shield. Documentation, examples, executable, and source files of BraWiGG can be downloaded from here:
The above files can also be downloaded from the Computer Physics Communications Program Library
This software is distributed under the standard CPC license (see [CPC license]). Publications which result from using the acquired program must reference the article in Computer Physics Communications which describes the program:
A finite element tool for the electromagnetic analysis of braided cable shields
R. Otin, J. Verpoorte, H. Schippers, and R. Isanta
Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 191 (1), pp. 209-220, 2015
For more information about BraWiGG, please send an email to:
ERMES (Electric Regularized Maxwell Equations with Singularities) is a finite element code in frequency domain which implements in C++ a simplified version of the weighted regularized Maxwell equation method. This finite element formulation produces well-conditioned matrices which can be solved efficiently with low-memory consuming iterative methods. Also, thanks to the null kernel of its differential operator, it can operate indistinctly in the quasi-static and the high frequency regimens (see documents [1], [2],
[3] for further details). Therefore, ERMES is a versatile tool which can be used in a wide variety of situations. For instance, it has been applied to
microwave engineering ([4]),
bioelectromagnetics ([5],
electromagnetic compatibility ([8],
[10]), and electromagnetic forming ([11],
The version of ERMES available here is multi-processor (OpenMP) and it runs on Microsoft Windows 32 and 64 bits and on Linux 64 bits. ERMES has a user-friendly interface created with Tcl/Tk and integrated in the commercial software GiD.
GiD is used for geometrical modeling, data input, meshing and visualization of results. The graphical user interface (GUI) has been tested successfully for GiD versions 10 and 11.
Documentation, examples, executable, and source files of ERMES can be downloaded from here:
The above files can also be downloaded from the Computer Physics Communications Program Library
This software is distributed under the standard CPC license (see [CPC license]). Publications which result from using the acquired program must reference the article in Computer Physics Communications which describes the program:
ERMES: A nodal-based finite element code for electromagnetic simulations in frequency domain
R. Otin
Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 184 (11), pp. 2588-2595, 2013
For more information about ERMES, please send an email to: